What I Think: “Be Yourself”

“Be yourself” terms is not as easy as it sounds, living around society which practically there’s a lot of norms and value that I should consider when I wanna do something are the most of my *sigh* moment.

singkat kata, jadi diri sendiri itu gak bisa seenak jidat.

Dalam berperilaku, tutur kata, cara berpakaian bahkan cara berpikirpun kita masih dituntut atas pengaruh dari mindset lingkungan sekitar. Hidup punya aturan, punya norma-norma sosial dan agama yang harus secara ikhlas dijalani (ya kalau gak ikhlas belajar dikit-dikit lah :p). Mau jadi diri sendiri tapi nyatanya dirinya jadi merugikan orang lain, masih berlaku gak terms “be yourself” tadi?

Adjust yourself, open your mind. But still don’t let your good deeds go away. No matter what you do, don’t hurt people around you